Web Hosting is an internet service which allows organizations or individual to showcase their website on the internet available via World Wide Web. Web hosting companies provide web space to individuals or organizations on the web servers they host. A website has to be hosted on a web server so that everyone can access it over the internet.A cheap web hosting company provides web, fast internet connection for web servers, backups, security, etc. To upload files (web pages) from your local computer to web host we need a tool that can help in transferring a website. There are several tools available for uploading and downloading your web pages to and from the web servers.
Why do we Need Web Hosting?
A web page is an HTML (HyperText Markup Language) file that is translated by a web browser.A website is a group of Webpages; these Webpages are what make up the World Wide Web. Once a web page has been designed it will be saved on a computer as a file. If the file remains on your computer, the only way anyone will see it is if opens your file at your computer where you have saved your file. So, in order to get the web page visible to anyone on the internet, you need to rent some space on a computer that specializes in serving files out across the internet. When your website is built you need to upload it to the web hosting servers from your local computer.
Types of Hosting
There are different types of hosting accessible. The following are a few of them:
Free Web Hosting:
Free web hosting is right for those web sites which have low traffic inflow, for example, a website for individual use. Generally, there is no technical support available. You cannot use your own domain name with free server hosting.
Shared Web Hosting:
In shared web hosting services, you share the web server with many other web sites. It is fairly cheap to use. You can use your domain name with this type of hosting. With cheap web hosting company, you can use many applications such as email, database, etc. and technical support is provided 24 by 7 with shared hosting.
Dedicated Web Hosting:
Dedicated servers are somewhat powerful and secure, they are the most costly. This kind of hosting generally suits large organizations like banks. In dedicated hosting single users has access to the webserver.
A top-level domain is one of the domains at the top level in the hierarchical Domain Name System of the World Wide Web. Examples of top-level domains are:
- biz business
- com Commercial
- edu Educational
- gov Governmental
- org organization
As well to these top-level domains there are as well country particular top-level domains. The following are a few examples of country-specific top-level domains:
- uk United Kingdom
- us United States of America
- in India
Domain name registration is an easy and very cheap task. There are various companies that provide domain name registration facility, they charge annually for a domain name registration in Pakistan. You should choose a domain name carefully, keep factors like renewal charges and time period after which you need to renew the domain in mind while buying a domain name.
Web hosting companies are providing users with cyberspace to put their web content on it. Nowadays the competition between the web space providers has brought down the cost to very nominal levels. All that the user has to do is to become the member and pay the fee, and the cheap web hosting company will give the key to the cyberspace on his server in the form of a username and password.
Once the users are paid by the hosting companies in the form of a username and password, the space buyer will log on using their username and password and upload their contents to the cyber world for access by everyone.
Tips on Finding the Best Web Host
Look out for how many subdomains you can register with the web host and the services they are providing; generally, this is unlimited.
It is prudent to ask whether your chosen web host may increase their web hosting package cost in the future. Most web hosting companies revise this fee quite often. What you would need is a long-term hosting fee arrangement for your website that is affordable and viable for your online business needs in order to slowly expand your internet business without having to constantly worry about unforeseen hosting fees being charged to your website each year or so.So, do a bit of research and look for service companies that will be there when you need them and pick one that offers reliable, cost-effective, and an extensive range of services for stable online business development.
Find out if the web host of your choice will transfer domain names free if you have already registered one and want to transfer it from another cheap web hosting company. Finally, try to get yourself a reasonable unlimited plan with your web hosting service. BeTec Host a leading web hosting company offers REAL 24/7 support via email, live chat, and phone for client’s satisfaction. Our packages are packed with all the features needed to satisfy all your needs.